제품 API
Shipkoo 제품 및 재고 정보 액세스
GET /api/product
Retrieves all the Products
GET /api/product/{id}
Retrieves all the Products
id | The ID or unique identifier of the product "id": 1 |
sku | Product SKU "sku": 02545255-4565588 |
name | Product name "name": OPPO a5s |
bar_code | Bar code "bar_code": 524156465465 |
status | Product status "status": Available |
physical_stock | Lists the how many stocks "physical_stock": 200 |
available_stock | Lists the how many stocks are available "available_stocks": 150 |
price | Product price "price": 1500 |
package_content | Lists the different contents of the product package "package_content": Holder, Charger, Tempered glass |
weight | Product weight "weight": 150 |
weight_unit | Box weight "weight_unit": 300 |
lenght | Product lenght "lenght": 150 |
width | Product width "width": 5 |
height | Product height "height": 350 |
size_unit | Unit size "size_unit": 550 |
tariff_code | Tariff code "tariff_code": 546544564698 |
packaging_type | Packaging pype "packaging_type": Standard Box |
flag_fragile | Fragile product "flag_fragile": --- |
flag_dangerous | Dangerous product "flag_dangerous": --- |
flag_perishable | Perishable product "flag_perishable": --- |
flag_liquid | Liquid product "flag_liquid": --- |
flag_battery | Battery product "flag_battery": --- |
flag_regulated | Regulated product "flag_regulated": --- |
flag_media | Media product "flag_media": --- |
flag_adult | Adult product "flag_adult": --- |
샘플 제품 API 응답
"version": "1.0.0",
"author_url": "https://www.shipkoo.com",
"data": [
"id": "1",
"name": "OPPO a5s",
"sku": "02545255-4565588",
"bar_code": "6545944889484456",
"status": "Available",
"physical_stock": "200",
"available_stock": "250",
"price": "1500",
"package_content": "Holder, Charger, Tempered glass",
"weight": "150",
"weight_unit": "",
"length": "150",
"width": "5",
"height": "300",
"size_unit": "200",
"tariff_code": "65465648",
"packaging_type": "Standard Box",
"flag_fragile": "---",
"flag_dangerous": "---",
"flag_perishable": "---",
"flag_liquid": "---",
"flag_battery": "---",
"flag_regulated": "---",
"flag_media": "---",
"flag_adult": "---",
"links": {
"first": "https://shipkoo.com/api/product?page=1",
"last": "https://shipkoo.com/api/product?page=54",
"prev": null,
"next": "https://shipkoo.com/api/product?page=2"
"meta": {
"current_page": 1,
"from": 1,
"last_page": 54,
"path": "https://shipkoo.com/api/product",
"per_page": 15,
"to": 15,
"total": 804
모든 제품 검색 중
- Authorization: Bearer {Your-API-Token}
- Accept: application/json
특정 제품 검색
- Authorization: Bearer {Your-API-Token}
- Accept: application/json