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FBA Prep And Forwarding Services
Getting your goods ready for FBA can be a source of frustration. You've encountered abottleneck at the Fulfillment Center, and you're unable to prepare your inventory quickly enough to keep up with demand, even though orders are thick and fast. Your inventory is running short, and you can't keep up with demand.
Interested in optimizing your logistics?
A One-Stop Shop
We take care of everything ex-factory, from pick-up to last-mile delivery
We use our own truck solution to Europe (16-19 days) and sea freight to The US and other parts of the world (~30 days)
Affordable Price
Shipkoo takes care of all your FBA Prep Logistics needs, finding the lowest rates for every level of service you desire
How it works explained in 6 steps
Step 1
Prepare shipmentPrepare your FBA shipment on your own or by using Shipkoo’s FBA Prep service第一步
准备运送自行准备或通过Shipkoo酷运的FBA Prep服务准备货物1단계
선적준비직접 또는 Shipkoo의 FBA 준비 서비스를 사용하여 FBA 발송 준비ステップ1
発送準備自分で、またはShipkooのFBA Prepサービスを使用して、FBA出荷を準備しますStep 2
OrderPlace an order in Shipkoo’s FBA system with your FBA shipment ID第二步
下单使用您的FBA货件ID 在Shipkoo酷运的FBA系统中下订单2단계
순서Shipkoo의 FBA 시스템에서 FBA 발송 ID를 사용하여 주문하십시오.ステップ2
注文ShipkooのFBAシステムでFBA出荷IDを使用して注文するStep 3
Request a drop-offRequest a local pickup or drop off for your FBA cartons at Shipkoo’s nearest hub第三步
하차 요청Shipkoo의 가장 가까운 허브에 있는 FBA 상자에 대한 로컬 픽업 또는 드롭 다운 요청ステップ3
降車をリクエストするShipkooの最寄りの倉庫配送センターに商品を配送するためのドアツードア輸送またはローカルロジスティクスの手配Step 4
Package registrationShipkoo registers your package and processes its weight and dimensions第四步
登记包裹Shipkoo酷运 识别您的包裹并处理其重量和尺寸4단계
패키지등록Shipkoo는 당신의 패키지를 등록하고 그것의 무게와 치수를 처리한다.ステップ4
パッケージ登録Shipkooはパッケージを認識し、その重量と寸法を処理しますStep 5
Delivery to FBA Prep WarehouseShipkoo palletizes your package, handles customs clearance and ships it to the destination country, and then delivers the shipments to a designated Amazon FBA warehouse第五步
FBA 준비 창고로 배송Shipkoo는 당신의 소포를 팔레트화하여 통관을 처리하고 목적지 국가까지 배송한 후 지정된 아마존 FBA 창고로 배송한다.ステップ5
FBA梱包倉庫への配送Shipkooは荷物を梱包し、通関手続き、目的国への航空貨物を処理してから、指定されたAmazonFBA倉庫に商品を配送します。Step 6
TrackingUse the full visibility of shipments to track your orders in the Amazon seller account and see when packages arrive步骤6
추적발송물의 전체 가시성을 사용하여 Amazon 셀러 계정의 주문을 추적하고 패키지가 언제 도착하는지 확인ステップ6

Why FBA prep should be in the Expert's hands?
Preparing for your amazon FBA Prep Services USA or shipping correctly is crucial. Incorrect information will result in Amazon rejecting your inventory and requiring you to pay to have it returned. If you send faulty inventory to Amazon and it is shipped to a consumer by accident, the customer will likely file a complaint and return the product. Many complaints against you might hurt your metrics, leading to a downgraded listing or possibly account suspension.
Amazon Freight Forwarder service is highly specialized, rife with complex rules, and prone to error. If you outsource a task to a freight forwarder for Amazon FBA, you can assume trained professionals will handle it. They can also manage your FBA Prep Logistics that will meet your FBA prep, inspections, and storage needs. Your Amazon FBA Preparation Service forwarder should be familiar with the procedure and check that your products comply with Amazon's requirements before sending them to FBA Freight Forwarder. Especially if this is your first-time Amazon FBA shipping, you should do so since you will not know the full extent of the difficulty involved until you have gone through the procedure and made your own mistakes.
Put your trust in Amazon's FBA Prep Services to prepare your goods for shipping. Proper packaging and preparation can lessen the time it takes to receive your order and keep your products safe. At the same time, they are stored in Amazon's warehouses, leading to happier customers.

What do we offer?
As one of the best Amazon FBA Freight Forwarder, we have a warehouse where we can keep your products safe and slowly release them to Amazon. In need of additional work? Our FBA Prep Center got this under control. You may trust our fulfillment FBA Prep Center to complete all tasks while you concentrate on running and expanding your business.

Labeling and packing:
Nearly everything associated with your Fulfillment by Amazon business is handled by us, from inspection and labeling to packing and shipping. Our Amazon FBA Freight Forwarder service fee is fairly competitive, and we provide comprehensive solutions for your FBA preparation, packing, and shipping needs. With our FBA Prep Services USA, we may store your items and prepare them for shipment on the same day.

Loading and Unloading:
We manage several aspects of Amazon FBA prep service, including the loading and unloading of products, sorting, and safe storage of inventory. Within 48 hours of order, we will carefully pack and ship your products to Amazon's FBA Prep Warehouse under your Amazon FBA shipping plan. Packaging will be done under your requirements and the FBA prep specifications, which may involve labeling, bundling, Poly Bagging, carton forwarding, etc.
Our goal is to make running your Fulfillment by Amazon business more accessible and more enjoyable for you with our professional Freight Forwarder for Amazon FBA. After processing, all products need to retain their scan-able labels. Amazon may use sample sizes and weights to confirm the accuracy of a product's specifications. If our measurements and weight for a product don't match yours, well use those from our end to determine how much it will cost to ship.