Sourcing Service
Sourcing can be such a hassle – we’ve got you covered! Being a shipping solution and supply chain management company based in China – the world’s leading manufacturing output country – we have the best resources to help you find sources for your products at a low cost while maintaining the finest quality.
Interested in optimizing your logistics?

Cheapest price finest quality
We find new products with the finest quality and match at least three suppliers for each product, and provide a cost comparison for you.

Bilingual sourcing team
We assist you in dealing directly with the manufacturers and negotiating the best price, eliminating any miscommunications or misunderstanding while offering full support, translation and coordination between the manufacturer and the buyer.

Product improvement
We help with tracking the production process, sample quality checking and delivery, as well as product improvement discussion with the manufacturer.
How it works explained in 5 steps:
Step 1
RequirementYou provide product pictures and similar product links, we source for products and manufacturer at the lowest price while maintaining the finest product quality.第一步
필요귀사는 제품 사진 및 이와 유사한 제품 링크를 제공하며, 최상의 제품 품질을 유지하면서 제품 및 제조업체를 최저 가격으로 공급합니다.ステップ1
要件あなたは製品写真と同様の製品リンクを提供します、私たちは最高の製品品質を維持しながら最低価格で製品とメーカーを調達します。Step 2
CommunicationWe act as your local representative, conducting physical meetings with local manufacturers and building solid relationships to negotiate for the best terms and prices.第二步
의사소통, 연락NAT은 귀사의 지역 담당자로서 현지 제조업체와 물리적 미팅을 진행하고, 최상의 조건과 가격을 협상하기 위해 견고한 관계를 구축합니다.ステップ2
コミュニケーション私たちはあなたの地元の代表として行動し、地元のメーカーとの物理的な会議を行い、最良の条件と価格について交渉するための強固な関係を構築します。Step 3
ProductionWe follow up on the production process and quality checking, and help negotiate with the manufacturer on inventory terms.第三步
생산.우리는 생산 공정과 품질 검사를 추적하고, 재고 조건에 대해 제조사와 협상하는 것을 돕는다.ステップ3
製造製造工程と品質チェックをフォローアップし、在庫条件についてメーカーとの交渉を支援します。Step 4
ShipmentAfter the production is completed, we plan and arrange for the shipments: we pick up the finished products and ship them to the designated country; we handle all customs and taxes; we deliver to your doorstep.第四步
运输生产完成后,我们计划和安排发货:我们将成品提取并运送到指定国家; 我们处理所有海关和税收; 我们送货上门。4단계
수송생산이 완료된 후, 우리는 배송을 계획하고 준비합니다. 우리는 완제품을 픽업하여 지정된 국가로 배송합니다. 우리는 모든 관세와 세금을 처리합니다. 우리는 당신의 현관까지 배달합니다.ステップ4
発送生産が完了した後、出荷の計画と手配を行います。完成品を受け取り、指定された国に出荷します。 私たちはすべての税関と税金を処理します。 私たちはあなたの玄関先に配達します。Step 5
Order finishedWe help with the communication between you and your manufacturer on the product improvements and feedbacks.第五步
주문완료제품 개선 및 피드백에 대한 귀사와 귀사의 제조업체 간의 커뮤니케이션을 지원합니다.ステップ5

Why sourcing with Shipkoo?
Shipkoo is a shipping solution company based in China, the world’s leading manufacturing output country. We can assist you in finding new products and selecting the most suitable manufacturer for your products at the lowest price while maintaining the finest product quality.
Covid-19 pandemic has restricted you from visiting China in search of the ideal production factory. Our team acts as your local representative, conducting physical meetings with local manufacturers and building solid relationships. We maximize in-person interactions to negotiate for the best terms and prices.

How we do?
Provide us with your requirements and specifications, and we will find the best manufacturer for you. We create platforms that allow you and the manufacturer to interact and collaborate. Our bilingual team assists you in dealing directly with the manufacturers and negotiating the best price, eliminating any miscommunications or misunderstanding between the manufacturer and the buyer. We offer full support, translation and coordination between the manufacturer and the buyer.
For each product, we find and match at least three suppliers and provide a cost comparison for you. We also help with tracking the production process, sample quality checking and delivery, as well as product improvement discussion with the manufacturer. After the production is completed, we plan and arrange for the next important step: shipments. We give advices and suggestions on the best shipping options.

What is so good about it?
Sourcing can be such a hassle – we’ve got you covered! Leave the sourcing part to us and you focus on your business development, customer service, and other important tasks.
Our service is more than just end-to-end – it starts with sourcing. We find a manufacturer and communicate with them; the manufacturer produces your products; we pick up the finished products and ship them to the designated country; we handle all customs and taxes; we deliver to your doorstep; and you sell to your clients. Tell us what you want and we’ll take care of the rest!